About Amoove21

Vonk, Alkmaar, the Netherlands
Aeres, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Munkagårdsgymnasiet, Tvååker, Sweden
Skjetlein Videregaende Skole, Trondheim, Norway
Axxell, Kimito, Finland

Address: Drechterwaard 10-A, 1824 EX Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Contact person:
Marina van Staveren - Vonk International coordinator and Member of Amoove21 Steering Committee
e-mail: internationalisering@clusius.nl
Vonk is an educational organization for young and adult learners located in the Netherlands. Vonk started in 2022 after Clusius College merged together with ROC Kop van Noord-Holland. Vonk is located in North-Holland and has 12 branches where we offer pre-vocational education, a wide range of vocational education and training courses (VET) and evening courses.
Vonk offers education to 4000 pre-vocational students in the age of 11 to 17 and VET-courses to 5000 students from 15 years and older.
Our VET courses vary from agribusiness to personal care and from Nautical to Florists. Vonk works closely with the businesses in our region as they are our student’s future employers. Vonk also offers students the opportunity to gain international experience. We have a varied network of international learning companies and VET schools abroad.
Vonk is proud to be the leading organization of the Amoove21 project.

Address: Gardeniersweg 2, 8933 AA, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Contact person:
Rinze Fokkema - Member of Amoove21 Steering Committee
Aeres provides regular education (TVET, Bachelor and Master) and a wide range of training courses. The fields of interest vary from primary agriculture to engineering and from intensive farming to biodynamic agriculture or styling & design.
The Dutch agricultural sector is strongly international and therefore, so is Aeres. International cooperation for Aeres has several aspects. The consultancy services and implements projects are in the fields of international food business, agricultural education and training, institutional development, and didactics and educational methodology.
Aeres collaborates with many other education and knowledge institutions worldwide for development of educational programmes. This stimulates Dutch and foreign students and teachers to improve their international skills and learning from others.

Address: Björkängsvägen 25, 43278 Tvååker, Sweden
Contact person:
Ellekari Haraldson - Member of Amoove 21 Steering Committee
e-mail: Ellekari.Haraldson@regionhalland.se
Munkagårdsgymnasiet is located in Tvååker, in the region of Halland, on the west coast of southern Sweden. The school was founded in 1984 and after it merged together in 2016 with sister school Plönningegymnasiet all the educations moved to Munkagård. Primarily the school offers the Natural Resource Management Programme and the pupils can choose between its four orientations: Agriculture, Animal care, Forestry and Gardens. Munkagård is an Upper secondary school and the majority of the students are between 16 and 19 years old. Currently, the school has about 300 students, and two thirds of those are staying at the boarding close to the school. Munkagårdsgymnasiet also offers adult education depending on the demands of the labour market. These educations are mainly in the field of gardening, but they can also be in agriculture, forestry and economics.
Pupils who choose the Animal care orientation of the Natural Resource Use Programme will learn a lot about pet animals, zoo animals and farm animals. Munkagårdsgymnasiet has more than 150 animal species on site. The idea is to have most of the animals usually seen in pet shops; rabbits, rodents, cage-birds, reptiles, amphibians and various aquarium fishes. As an introduction to working with zoo animals there is a small park where the school's horses, donkeys, goats, llamas, wallaby and various sea birds are kept. Except the zoo and pet animals, there’s also “full size” livestock of pigs and milk cows. The students, together with the operating staff, are responsible for taking care of the animals. Especially animal health care is an essential part of the education, and the school is cooperating with several animal hospitals and veterinarian stations for work experience and lectures.
For students with special needs, the school offers two different programs: one with all the traditional subjects and courses (theoretical and practical) of the Natural Resource Management Programme, and one focusing only on the practical courses.

Skjetlein videregående skole
Address: Skjetlein, 7083 Leinstrand, Norway
Contact person:
Gjertrud Jensen - Member of Amoove21 Steering Committee
e-mail: gjeje@trondelagfylke.no
Skjetlein vgs. is a vocational secondary school, mainly focusing on education in traditional agriculture, horticulture and forestry, but all other subjects related to farming are also considered important topics. Skjetlein vgs follows the the regular Norwegian education system.
The school provides a wide range of full-time courses for youth (mainly in age 16 – 18) as well as part-time or short courses for adults (lifelong learning).
The traditional study programs at Skjetlein are: agriculture, landscaping and forestry, building /carpentry, horsemanship and animal care.
Skjetlein vgs. is located in the countryside only 20 km from the center of Trondheim (largest city in the county)

Axxell Utbildning Ab
Address: PB 1006, 10601 Ekenäs, Finland
Contact person:
Tanja Halttunen - Member of Amoove21 Steering Committee
e-mail: international@axxell.fi
Axxell is a finlandswedish VET provider that is located in 7 municipalities and who offers 23 vocational upper secondary qualifications. Axxell has more than 3000 students (including short courses) and about 300 full time employees. In the Amoove21 project Axxell is represented by Axxell Brusaby (https://www.axxell.fi/brusaby). Axxell Brusaby offers education in the agricultural sector (eg, animal care, equestrian, forestry and agriculture) and wilderness guides. Axxell Brusaby has about 450 students and about 40 staff. To learn more about what Axxell Brusaby offers watch this short videopresentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=illRfK84SRA&t=3s
Aeres provides regular education (TVET, Bachelor and Master) and a wide range of training courses. The fields of interest vary from primary agriculture to engineering and from intensive farming to biodynamic agriculture or styling & design. The Dutch agricultural sector is strongly international and therefore, so is Aeres. International cooperation for Aeres has several aspects. The consultancy services and implements projects are in the fields of international food business, agricultural education and training, institutional development, and didactics and educational methodology. Aeres collaborates with many other education and knowledge institutions worldwide for development of educational programmes. This stimulates Dutch and foreign students and teachers to improve their international skills and learning from others.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342