Biosecurity and animal welfare for livestock, pets and zoo animals

Leading college
Munkagårdsgymnasiet, Sweden
In this module you will learn about important animal diseases, tratments and how to avoid diseases by implementing correct routines for biosecurity. Theoretical lessons and lab work will be mixed with practical stable work and study visits to farms and zoos.
Virtual assignment 2 - Animal care Routines for biosecurity and animal welfare
Dates of the virtual assignment
September – November
Total study load
1 hour - Introduction of the assignment and instructions for the videos.
2 hours – Research for video and putting words into the glossary.
5 hours – Film and edit video, upload it to YouTube.
2 hours – Watch videos from other schools and give feedback.
Summary of the virtual assignment:
- The aim of the assignment is to teach the students about biosecurity and routines for biosecurity in different stables.
- To recognize the symptoms of several important diseases is valuable knowledge for future animal keepers.
The assignment is designed to prepare the students for traveling abroad, to the learning unit on the same subject.
Although, the assignment can also be used separately and in a large group of students, to give more students an international experience. If possible, the assignment is a good opportunity for theoretical language courses/teachers (English) to work together with practical courses/teachers (animal care courses).
This virtual assignment is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students with knowledges on the subject.
Click here for the overview of the content of this virtual assignment
Learning unit - Biosecurity and animal welfare
Data and location of the learning unit
End of March/beginning of April
Location: Munkagårdsgymnasiet, Tvååker, Sweden
Total study load
2 weeks. Ten school days with theoretical lessons and practical work. Study visits to zoos, farms and companies. Weekend will be used for cultural and social acitvities.
Summary of the learning unit:
After finishing this unit, successful students will have:
- Knowledge about regulations regarding how to keep animals and how these regulations may vary between countries.
- Competence on biosecurity procedures and regulations when keeping, exporting, and importing animals.
- Knowledge about common diseases and how to prevent there.
- Competence to follow current hygiene routines and prevent diseases among animals.
- Knowledge about the importance of the stable climate for animal welfare.
- Competence to give a detailed account of and works in accordance with laws and other regulations concerning animal husbandry.
- Skills to work with animals in a biosecure way.
The application for this international learning unit is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students who:
- have participated in virtual assignment Routines for biosecurity and animal welfare
- have basic knowledge of Animal care
- are fit to travel
- allow use of film- and photo material in which you may be visible.
- Filled out the application document which is available on this site.
After receiving the applications, the selection will be done by the hosting VET college.
The students who are placed after selection will be notified by their contact person at their college.
Click here for the overview of the content of this learning unit

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342