Dog business

Leading college
Vonk, Alkmaar, the Netherlands
The main goal of this module is learning about dog breeds and about starting a dog-company. You will learn skills and knowledge about handling different breeds of dogs and the differences in their behavior. You will also learn about starting a dog company like a pension or a dog-day care center, the laws and regulations and the day-to-day operational activities.
During the module you will take part in theoretical and many practical lessons, group work, discussions and reflections and you will also work on a group assignment.
Virtual assignment - Dog business
Dates of the virtual assignment
Not available yet
Total study load
4 lessons of approximately 100 minutes in a timespan of 8 weeks.
Summary of the virtual assignment
- Student presents him-/herself and explain why (s)he is interested in dog business
- You will learn to recognize the different dog breed groups and learn which different kind of dog business that the other countries have.
- You will learn to identify different tasks of the dogs in the different countries
- Each students gives feedback and asks questions (if there are) to presented products
- The student shows commitment, responsibility, cooperation and proactivity to complete the task.
- This virtual assignment is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students with knowledges on the subject.
Click here for the overview of the content of this virtual assignment
Learning unit - Dog business
Dates and location of the learning unit
Dates are not available yet
Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Total study load
14 days, mixed with practical and theoretical lessons and theoretical lessons at school and company visits combined with practical training. There will be cultural activities and free time to explore the region during the weekend.
Summary of the lesson unit:
- Student will be able to distinguish between a dog day care, a pension, a shelter and a dog walker by identify them on their characteristics
- You will learn to recognize the different dog breed groups and learn which different kind of dog business that the other countries have.
- You will learn to recognize and identify training methods and daily tasks of the different types of business in dog care and make a foodplan for dogs in different stages of live.
- You will learn to give advice about training methods in accordance to the wishes of the customer.
The application for this international learning unit is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students who:
- have participated in virtual assignment ‘Dog business’
- have basic knowledge of dogbreeds and their housing.
- are fit to travel
- allow use of film- and photo material in which you may be visible.
- Filled out the application document which is available on this site.
After receiving the applications, the selection will be done by the hosting VET college.
The students who are placed after selection will be notified by their contact person at their college.
Click here for the overview of the content of this learning unit

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342