Horse care and harness racing in Europe

Leading college
Axxell Brusaby, Kimito, Finland
In the virtual assignment you will learn and prepare a presentation, about harnesracing and its history in your homecountry. You will share what you learned by presenting your findings to your fellow students from other coutries, and they will in turn present the situation from their home countruies.
In the learning unit you will travel to Finland to learn about harnesracing as a sport and horse care. You will take part in daily routines of taking care of and driving horses. During your stay you will also become familiare with the Finnhorse as a breed, breeding and its special traits. Studyvisits to breeders and racingtracs is also included.
Virtual assignment - Harnessracing in Europe
Dates of the virtual assignment
Spring 2023.
Total study load
9h during school hours
Summary of the virtual assignment
- the student has basic theoretical knowledge of harness racing in Europe
- the student is familiar with harness racing in the represented partner countries
- the student is familiar with working in eTwinning and participating in MC Teams meetings.
This virtual assignment is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students with knowledges on the subject.
Click here for the overview of the content of this virtual assignment
Learning unit - Basics in caring for, driving and excercising harness racing horses and getting to know the Finnhorse
Dates of the learning unit
Fall 2023.
Total study load
14 days. You will spent 7 days at school and 3 days on study visits. In the weekend we will do some cultural activities and you will have free time.
Summary of the learning unit
Horse driving:
- Has knowledge of safe handling of trained horses in different ages and situations.
- Has the knowledge and uses the right basic tack for harness racing horses
- Drives a trained horse in walk and trot in horse training areas (racing track, training roads)
- The student shows commitment, responsibility, cooperation and proactivity to complete the task
- Is familiar with the basics of Finnhorse breeding and the breeding goals
- Is familiar with the history of the Finnhorse
- Is familiar with the breed typical behavior.
Evaluates the horsesĀ“ exterior, leg formation and movements according to breeding goals.
The application for this international learning unit is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students who:
- have participated in the virtual assignment for this unit
- have basic knowledge and practical experience of horses
- are fit to travel
- allow use of film- and photo material in which you may be visible
- filled out the application document which is available on this site.
After receiving the applications, the selection will be done by the hosting VET college.
The students who are placed after selection will be notified by their contact person at their college.
Click here for the overview of the content of this learning unit

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342