Horse driving, breeding Dutch horses and managing welfare in stables

Leading college
Vonk, Alkmaar, the Netherlands
The main goal of this module is learning how to drive a horse in the riding arena and on the public road. You will learn skills and knowledge to ride by yourself. You will also learn about the typical Dutch horse, the KWPN sport horse and the Frisian Horse.
During the module you will be able to do practical work on the school stable and also on other stables during practical training days at local organizations.
During the module you will take part in theoretical and many practical lessons, group work, discussions and reflections and you will also work on a group assignment.
Virtual assignment - Welfare in different Stable systems
Dates of the virtual assigment
Beginning of May 2022
Total study load
Four lessons of 50 minutes, including kick-off meeting. We will finish the virtual assignment with an online group meeting with all the classes on May 25.
Summary of the virtual assignment
- By the end of this virtual assignment successful students can plan and implement a task/activity or solve a problem in routine and/or known situations and surroundings - alone and in cooperation with others.
- By the end of this virtual assignment successful students can introduce themselves in English
- By the end of this virtual assignment successful students can make an introduction of a stable system at a company.
- This virtual assignment is open for all EQF 4 students with knowledges on the subject.
Click here for the overview of the content of this virtual assignment
Learning unit - Horse driving, breeding of Dutch horses and welfare in different stable systems
Dates and location of the learning unit
Planned date: 26 September till 7 October
Location: Vonk Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Total study load
14 days (mixed with practical and theoretical lessons at school and company visits). Cultural activities, visit to Amsterdam and free time to explore the region during the weekend.
Summary of the lesson unit:
By the end of this semester the student:
- Know all the rules for driving on public road
- Has the skills in horse driving
- Has the knowledge about equipment for driving
- Has the knowledge of history of the Dutch sport horse
- Has the knowledge of the history of the Frisian horse
- Know the breeding characteristics of the sport horse and the Frisian horse
- Has the knowledge of the benefits of different stable systems
- Has the knowledge how the keep and manage horses in the Netherlands.
- Has the skills to work on a Dutch horse company.
The application for this international learning unit is open for all students who:
- have participated in the virtual assignment.
- have basic knowledge of horses.
- are fit to travel and to work with horses.
- allow use of film- and photo material in which you may be visible.
- Filled out the application document which is available on this site.
After receiving the applications, the selection will be done by the hosting VET college.
The students who are placed after selection will be notified by their contact person at their college.
Click here for the overview of the content of this learning unit

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342