Intellectual Outputs

Intellectual Outputs

Through transnational collaboration between Aeres, Vonk, Skjetlein, Munkagård and Axxell 9 virtual assignments and 9 transnational learning units and 4 pilots were conducted/developed within the project's lifespan. The aim was to develop sustainable, high quality, learning opportunities where students from the partners countries would be able to develop their professional and 21st century skills through online learning and transnational mobilities.

Within the project we could see that the project and the virtual assignments and transnational pilot made teachers more aware of how they can share and develop teaching practices, online assignments and share ideas on an European level. The teachers could also gain a better understanding of the realities different countries face when it comes to VET in livestock and dairy. This will help them support and encourage their students to take part in European mobilities and take part in virtual assignments and transnational courses offered by the partners. Teachers saw also an opportunity to upgrade their lesson plans and recognize how transnational collaboration and mobilities support the development of 21st century skills, while at the same time help empower students and find hidden talents.

The learning modules and virtual assignments developed in Amoove21 pilots also forced teachers to teach in English (a foreign language to all the partners in this project) and to educate students with mixed nationalities. Even if this was scary in the beginning it became soon evident that the barrier to speak and educate in a foreign language vanished and the teachers confidence to host and teach students from foreign countries improved.

When developing the virtual assignments and learning units focus was on the making the curriculums fit with the ECVET rules and regulations. The teachers learned to use eTwinning and pretty soon realized how they best could implement eTwinning into their virtual assignments and through this establish contacts with students from foreign countries in a simple and time effective way.

We are convinced that all students that took part in the virtual assignments and in the transnational learning units did gain many new skills that will make them attractive on the (international) labor market. This because they have been able to develop their language skills, cultural awareness and problem solving skills. The students are now more independent and secure when it comes to working in a foreign country and using a foreign language at work. This in turn will help them adapt in different environments and work situations in the future.

When it comes the partner organisations we have been able to witness an increased cooperation between the partner organisations. The step to set up pedagogical transnational collaborations has become smaller and local and regional companies have been introduced to the concepts of Amoove21.

If you want to learn more about the different learning units, virtual assignments or the output of the pilots, you can do so by clicking on the links below.

O1 – Development of unit 1 Livestock/Dairy

O2 - Development of unit 2 Livestock/Dairy

O3 - Development of unit 3 Livestock/Dairy

O4 - Development of unit 4 Livestock/Dairy

O5 – Development of unit 1 Animal Care

05 - Teacher material Animal Care - Dog business

O6 – Development of unit 2 Animal Care

07 - - Development of unit 1 Equine/Horse Management

08 – Development of unit 2 Equine/Horse Management

09 – Development of unit 3 Equine/Horse Management

010 – Pilot 1 Livestock/Dairy

011 – Pilot 1 Animal Care

012 – Pilot 3 Equine/Horse management

013 – Pilot 4 Livestock/Dairy

014 – Virtual assignment 1 Livestock/Dairy

014 – Virtual assignment 2 Livestock/Dairy

015 – Virtual assignment 3 Livestock/Dairy

016 – Virtual assignment 4 Livestock/Dairy

017 -  Virtual assignment 1 Animal Care

018 – Virtual assignment 2 Animal Care

019 – Virtual assignment 1 Equine/Horse Management

020 – Virtual assignment 2 Equine/Horse Management

020 – Virtual assignment 3 Equine/Horse Management

Amoove 21 Erasmus

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342