Intensive breeding of Finnsheep

Leading college
Axxell Utbildning Ab/Axxell Brusaby, Kimito, Finland
The main goal of the module is to learn more about the Finnish breeds and what they are mainly used for. You will learn why Finnish sheep are better equipped to survive Finnish weather conditions and how to best adapt them to Finnish weather conditions.
During the module you will be able to do practical work on the school farm with Finnish sheep and you will gain knowledge on how to keep Finnish sheep as production animals and have them breed three times in two years .
During the module you will take part in lessons, group work, discussions and reflections. You will also have the opportunity to visit sheep farms and a cheesery located nearby.
Virtual assignment - Finnsheep and other production sheep
Dates of the virtual assignment
Beginning of autumn (September)
Total study load
Approx. 45 minutes for planning
Approx. 90 minutes for making the video
Approx. 90 minutes for finalizing the video
+ time to look and comment on other participants videos
Summary of the virtual assignment
- The student presents him-/herself and why (s)he is interested in sheep production
- The student identifies/investigates what is the most common production sheep in his/her region.
- The student evaluates, examines and shortly explains in a video why the selected sheep breed is suitable as a production animal and the production industry it is mainly used for.
- Each students gives feedback and asks questions (if there are) to all videos presented
- The student shows commitment, responsibility, cooperation and proactivity to complete the task.
This virtual assignment is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students with knowledges on the subject.
Click here for the overview of the content of this virtual assignment
Learning unit - Finnsheep as production animals
Dates and location of the learning unit
Planned date: September/October
Location: Bursaby, Finland
Total study load
14 days (mixed with practical and theoretical lessons at school and company visits). Cultural activities and free time to explore the region during the weekend.
Summary of the lesson unit:
- Students will learn to identify the main differences between intensive, normal and ecological sheep breeding. They will learn about how sheeps are kept in Finland and will get knowledge about the two Finnish breeds; Finnsheep and Kainuun harmaa and learn what these two sheepbreeds are used for.
- Students will investigate how the sheep is a part of Finnish nature conservation and ecological farming both at school and during studyvisits to local sheepfarms. They will also investigate how they can make sheepfarming a business in the future?
- Students will also have the the opportunity to experiment in making cottige cheese and try various products made from sheep.
The application for this international learning unit is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students who:
- have participated in virtual assignment ‘Finnsheep and other common production sheep in different areas or countries’
- have basic knowledge of production animals
- are fit to travel
- allow use of film- and photo material in which you may be visible.
- Filled out the application document which is available on this site.
After receiving the applications, the selection will be done by the hosting VET college.
The students who are placed after selection will be notified by their contact person at their college.
Click here for the overview of the content of this learning unit

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342