National horsebreeds, therapy riding and tourism

Leading college
Skjetlein Videregaende Skole in Norway
Virtual assignment - National horsebreeds, therapy riding and tourism
Dates of the virtual assignment
Spring 2023
Total study load
4 study hours in class plus an additional 4 study hours for filming and editing of the video outside of school hours.
Summary of the virtual assignment
- The student identifies and will learn more about the National and Norwegian horse breeds
- The student learns about the use of the Norwegian horse breeds in tourism and therapy riding
- The student examines and evaluates the natural behavior to assess the welfare of a horses
- The student shows commitment, responsibility, cooperation and proactivity to complete the task
This Virtual Assignment is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students.
Click here for the overview of the content of Virtual Assignment
Learning unit - National horsebreeds, therapy riding and tourism
This International Learning Unit will be held in Trondheim, Norway at Skjetlein Videregaende Skole.
Students will follow the learning unit partially at the college in Trondheim together with the local students and partially at local companies where the assignments and research can be done.
Dates of the learning unit
Fall 2023
Total study load
14 days, each week containing 3 days in school and 2 days at local organisations. Weekend will be used for cultural activities.
Summary of the learning unit
- You will learn about the Norwegian horse breeds and their behavior
- You will learn about the use of the Norwegian horse breeds in tourism and therapy riding.
- You will do research in companies and work with the owners to identify possible problems and make suggestions on improvements.
- You will research differences between the rules and regulations in your own country and in the host country.
- All results will be presented at the end of the unit for teachers, students and local organisations. Feedback will be given in order to finalize the project with a report on animal health and welfare.
- The student shows commitment, responsibility, cooperation and proactivity to complete the task
The application for this International Learning Unit is open for all EQF 3 and 4 students who:
- have participated in the Equine/horse management Virtual Assignment
- have basic knowledge of Equine/horse management
- are fit to travel
- allow use of film- and photo material
- Filled out the selection document which is available on this site.
After receiving the applications, the selection will be done by the hosting VET college.
The students who are placed after selection will be notified by their contact person at their college.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project: 2019-1-NL01-KA202-060342